99/100騙しの哲 PV already out!!! I mean, it's already available to be downloaded and watched online!!!! YAY!!! after waiting like hell since the midnight of 12 Feb 09, finally I can watch the PV... unfortunately, though, the PV is LQ... HQ is not yet obtainable... but hey, better LQ than none! :D
anyway, I took screencaps of the PV so I'm gonna post it here... beware yea, cuz this post gonna be loooooooong XD anyway since the vid is LQ, the screencaps also not so good... kinda blur huhu...
anyway, enjoy the screencaps! (took me hours to upload cuz of my stupid slow internet T_T)
the opening, shows the Earth, then Japan is focused... random short clips till like this one below v

when I saw this part + the intro of the song, first thing that came into my mind is ZOMG!
X-files!!! haha <--- this is random

UVERworld on stage! very dark background
then the stalking phenomenon began... UVERmembers running/moving around while random people took pic/vid of them using mobile phones

and they uploaded it into the net

taku was walking alone
on his way to meet me *bricked*
a stalker found taku and followed him... he is trying to record taku! run taku run~~~

taku noticed the stalker... look at his expression! sooo cute *squeals*

the running scenes of taku

zomg! so near!

UVER on stage XD

but he's running so slow, like jogging only huhu
from top


now shinta is the victim
this is what I call as running omg! the man uses PINK mobile phone??? LMAO

taku clapping

akira being stalked too! but he just walked cool-ly and uh jumped into a taxi LOL! good job akira! b(^_^)b
a man with PINK mobile phone chased him using a car... I wonder why akira took out his mobile phone too (but I know it's not PINK XD)

the vid was posted on the net and an unknown person was watching it!

LOL okay, I just HAVE to put
sexy takuya here XD

TAKUYA WAS CHASED BY A GIRL AND HE'S SCARED!!! so, will he faints when there's like a thousand crazy fangirls(with stalking as part time job) chase after him?
~after this, taku on stage did the hand swing thingy LOL ~

another pink mobile phone

and it belongs to this little girl (but I think the phone is belonged to someone else who pay other people like this girl, a boy and other men/women to stalk UVER)


another sexy hyper takuya

now it's nobuto's turn.... he walked into an elevator and....

he was surrounded by avid stalkers... but he just looked around as if the people were weird... little did he knows that a security camera was stalking him too! XD

in the net!

TAKUYA WINKED!!! this is when he sings 'HEY BOY!' *fangirl squeal* this is the second time, the other one is in HTK PV...

nobu again

he just walked out of the elevator as if nothing had happened O_o (or walk like a very famous celebrity XD)


well, taku is a must

the chasing has not ended...

hehehehhehehhehe XDDDD

mama katchan was the focus now!

he came out of a building a everyone was all around him

cool nee?

oh the mysterious person again

on the floor!

shinta still running

sabaku kyuuuu~~~~~~~~~~~

taku trying to cover himself

spotted! you can't run shinta! (this is the part where taku did this very seducing voice of AH AH AH *nosebleeds* thank god taku is not shown or I'll die)

WoOt! kakkoi

wow shinta is aggressive... pay back time!

taku is still running orz

haha now the stalker got into the net!

lalala taku


me like this part

he did it on purpose! stop seducing us!!! we don't want to die early!!!
but I still want him to do it XDDD who doesn't?and the mysterios person will be revealed....

TAKUYA! on his MAC... but I wonder what's he's doing.... hmmmmmm
~end of PV~
so, my comments:
The PV is AWESOME!!!! okay, not so awesome like their other top PVs (roots, zero no kotae, HTK etc) but still I enjoy watching this!
as always, the PV is taku centered... however, shinta get more screentime (like in 99/100騙しの哲 rec. ver.)... but the others.... soooo little... and during on stage, takuya got the limelight too... others were shadowed by the dark surrounding...
taku on stage haha so hyper!!! with the taku kick and hand swings...
plus the showing off his body... hahathe mobile phones... well, the PV is telling you to buy pink/black/gold mobile phone of a specific brand cuz it's good for stalking XDDDD I think it's Sony Ericsson cuz UVERworld's record company is Sony Music Record! hahaha well, I use SE XD
anyone knows what brand/type the mobile phone is? tell me XD
random: I think taku's hair is kinda a little bit too short huhu
comment on song: I listened to the short version a lot already so the full ver well, didn't really surprise me EXCEPT for the AH AH AH part! zomg so sexy XDDDDDD
anyway, at 3:24, he starts singing the sexy way again but it's more sexy than the earlier part XD then the music changed a bit... it's give a different feeling... for me it feels scary (like when you're going to meet a very scary boss in a game... the music sounds like this) but I like it XDDDDD LOL okay, I got random again XD then he did the AH AH AH thingy... LOL okay, I'll stop mentioning about that part XDDD
hmmm I don't know what else to say except for GO WATCH IT!!!! I believe you can find it in most of online vid website (nico nico has it, youtube probably will have it by now)... but if you want to download,
GO LEECH FROM go take it from uverworld.org... they uploaded different version in different host sites (mediafire, megaupload)
now I only want to wait for HQ PV to take screencaps and make avi/siggie/wallie and of course, their new album! AwakEVE will be release on 18th Feb 09, only like 4 days from now (OMG I didn't realised... but urg.. that means my exam is getting nearer to... which is on 20th Feb huhu)
anyway, on the 19-20th Feb, Sony website will do the site jack for UVER again... PV will be showed 24 hours and there's will be a game which the prizes will be wallpapers WoOt!!! but don't know yet if overseas fans can parcitipate (I hope we can but then... exam huhuhu)