right now, I'm somewhat into An Cafe... only listened to two of their songs but I intended to *coughs*DL their albums when I have time (and good internet connection)...

okay, so on the left is Teruki (Dr), then Miku (kawaii desu, neee~ nyappy!
o(≧∀≦)o ) the vocalist, Bou (Gu. he's sooo cute esp with the blond haor XD) and lastly Kanon (Bass)...
they said that their genre is Harajuku Dance Rock Kei... whatever that means lol
anway, Bou already left the band and was replaced by Takuya
(zomg! takuya!) (*points at pic below* between Miku and Teruki) and added a keyboard player, Yuuki (far left *cracks at his hair*)

though they look kinda girlish (esp Miku), their songs is far from cuteness... Miku's voice is... is... how should I say it? manly? lol it's just like Sid, Mao's voice is <3 but when you look at him, you'll only see cuteness XD
well, that's VK for you... don't judge a band (and their songs) from their looks, nee?
anyway, I read their blog/diary entries back in 2005 (well, only 2005 was translated)
here, and there's one entry that made me laugh... the entry was by Bou... he was eating with his sister and her BF... then his sister said that since Bou was young, he looks really girlish and all... and that he wore her skirts lol Bou pretended that he didn't know what she was talking about... then she added that she didn't expect that Bou, even when he's grown up and all, still wearing skirt... LMAO! Bou is speechless hahaha
here's a youtube link for one of their PV, Maple Gunman:
click click! no I don't want to embed it here XDin the PV Miku is an offender with gun in hand... Bou is a... minisuka (miniskirt?) .__. Kanon is a dog (he wears a dog costume lol) and Teruki is a Deka (detective)... Teruki tries to catch Miku but Miku gets scared and shoot Teruki... Bou is shocked (zomg his shoking expression is soo cute XD) and Kanon the dog jumps on Miku... he's arrested later on .. (only Tezuki's arm is wounded... i thougt he's dead...) and then bla bla bla you watch it yourself... lalala
omg I'm soooo hungry... orz
-end of post because of hungriness-
p/s: wth has happened to my firefox automatic spelling check?