UVERworld going to perform at Tokyo Dome (wiki) on 27 November 2010, so as TAKUYA announced in one of their tour concert not so long ago. the countdown already appeared (ages ago) in their homepage, UVERworld.com and UVERworl.jp. FYI, Tokyo Dome is bigger, waaaaay bigger than Budoukan.
I am so proud of them T_T
but I wish than I can go to the big concert *sulk at one corner*
erhem... so the other update is that they're going to open a cafe, UVERcafe, from 8 August to 20 August 2010. Katsuya's original recipe and all members' original drinks will be served. As whether UVERworld themselves will be there or not, I have no idea. Some goods will be sold too, I love the strap!
A gallery also will be opened (free access) that will display various items such as their instruments, clothes, tour goods and whatever they have to show XD (my guess is they going to show the same things as in their previous Anniversary Gallery in Paseo).
anyway, for more info, check this website: UVERcafe.

Katchan, you rock!
EDIT: (I hate myself for always forgetting what to type here ARGH)
UVERworld will perform (again) in Inazuma Rock Fes 2010 on 18 September 2010 (first day) along side ABS, original love ans tetsuya.
EDIT2: OH YES new single release date is 15 Sept 2010... anticipation!