I have no idea if the otoframe works or not (it won't load for me T_T) but if it works, it should shows UVERdiscography... tell me if it works *bricked*
anyway, you can get it here ... but it's for UVERworld... if you want other J-artist (under SONY), feel free to browse around there (and if you don't know Japanese, well, good luck finding your fav artist XD)
anyway, UVER did some sort of promotion for Optician Loyd... this news is kinda old already but the UVERstaffs put wrong link for the website at that time... so just now when I check back that I get to look at the site...
and a pic:
I haven't update about AwakEVE on oricon chart huhu well, for the first day, they got #2 then if I'm not mistaken #1 for the day after... then stayed at #2.... for weekly chart... hmm I think they got #2 huhu I didn't follow the chart after that hehe
anyway, in their staff blog, the blog updater, dR II posted a lot about AwakEVE and now he's posting up about each song in the album... go read it if you're interested XD anyway, in one post he mentioned about what takuya/uver sings in コロナ and 畢生皐月プロローグ at the beginning... for コロナ there are shouts of 'burn up burn up' while in 畢生皐月プロローグ takuya said 'Display' at the beginning of the song...
in my previous post I said that I'm going to do review of the album and Catch Up UVERworld... already done about 70% of the album review (got lazy haha) while for Catch Up UVERworld, I'll do it when I feel like doing it *kicked*
haih... I have no mood to write about those......................
I haven't update my LJ for quite a long time oredi... haih.........................
okay la... me gonna go watch Prison Break Season 1 la after this XDDDDD