Saturday 10 September 2011


UVERworld 2012 calendar!

here's the details

basically it's a 13 pages (cover plus the 12 months) calendar with B3 size.
order from 9 Sept 2011 to 13 Nov 2011. Shipping in Dec 2011.
price is 3 400 yen

till date, I haven't get a single calendar. CDJ is giving big discount for UVERworld 2010 and 2011 calendars. I want to buy them but shipping cost is killing me. and I spent the money on something else (uver related) already ORZ

btw, I'm not sure if this is the official cover for UVER's COREstory, COREability COREhistory book or not but you can check it out here

*for convenience purpose, I'll call the book "COREbook".
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