Thursday, 3 June 2010

Karaoke version + Twitter

GOLD, Roots and SHAMROCK will have karaoke version for their upcoming PV collection DVD...

I don't really remember what I chose (they did survey to decide which songs will get karaoke ver)... Hakanaku mo Towa no Kanashi I think... but it wasn't chosen D: oh well, I love SHAMROCK so it's okay :D

SURPRISE SURPRISE! UVERworld staff member just made a twitter account! the person is dR II, the one who updates UVERworld STAFF BLOG. It's official, he's the one who said it anyway.
you can follow him HERE!

ah TAKUYA, it's time for you to make one too

btw, don't forget to PRE-ORDER your copy of UVERworld Video Complete -act 1- first 5 years DVD! I'm too lazy to put links for online shopping website, they're in my previous post anyway
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