Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Sony Site Jack: THE OVER

UVERworld will be featured in SONY SITE JACK on 29 August 2012 (also the release date of new single, THE OVER) from 00:00 till 24:00 JST (24 hours)

You can watch MASSIVE PV, THE OVER PV, NO.1 (Live in Yokohama Arena 8 July 2012) and earthy world (live at B-FLAT from THE SONG).

don't miss it!

Also renewal of UVERworld HP a few days ago

THE OVER Oricon ranking:
28.08.2012: #2 - 25, 231
29.08.2012: #2 - 14, 626
30.08.2012: #2 - 6, 724
31.08.2012: #2 - 5, 661
01.09.2012: # 2 - 4, 481
02.09.2012: #3 - 3, 278
03.09.2012: #2 - 1, 765
04.09.2012: #21
05.09.2012: #16
06.09.2012: #13
07.09.2012: #16
08.09.2012: #13

27.08.2012 - 02.09.2012: #2 - 61, 232
03.09.2012 - 09.09.2012: #13 - 8, 971
10.09.2012 - 16.09.2012: #25 - 4, 066

Friday, 24 August 2012

don't trust me

I said I don't want to order THE OVER now but after watching THE SONG premiere LIVE and THE OVER PV (plus enough $$$ left), I decided to order one.

oh yeah, I pre-ordered the CD.

I used CDJapan since they offer cheaper shipping method, and easy payment (paypal).

I seriously need to spend less.

but no news about upcoming album (both from UVER and KJK) so with the extra money, I ended up buying things. aaa I just can't save money aaaaaaaaaaaa

Wednesday, 22 August 2012

THE SONG premiere and THE OVER PV

today, live broadcast of UVERworld Documentary THE SONG premiere was made available through NICO NICO DOUGA:

UVERworld made their appearance for the documentary premiere, along with the director, Teppei Nakamura. They talked for about 20 minutes or so.

news about the premiere: eiga ; natalie ; news.thetv.jp ; news24.jp ; oricon ; yahoo

THE OVER PV was also broadcasted not long after the premiere. You can watch it in YT.

interviews: oricon 1 ; oricon 2 ; pakila ; appealing

da nico nico~

Saturday, 18 August 2012

UVERworld TV appearance 2012

Channel: NHK総合
Date: 2012/03/25
Time: 25:10~25:40 JST
Summary: Izumi from New Zealand requested UVERworld. TAKUYA∞ and Shintarou give short message. Live performance of CORE PRIDE from one of their concert is shown.

「王様のブランチ」 BOOKのコーナー (King's Brunch : Book's Corner)
Channel: TBS
Date: 2012/04/07
Time: 9:30~14:00 JST
Summary: TAKUYA∞'s collection of book and manga was shown briefly. He also recommended a love novel, イニシエーション・ラブ (Love Initiation or The Lovers) by 乾くるみ (Inui Kurumi).

Music Japan TV 「UVERworld SPECIAL」
Channel: MJTV
Date: 2012/05/01 - 2012/05/31
Time: Varied. 25 minutes.
Summary: basically TAKUYA∞ talked about new single (7th Trigger). He said something about the first track with 7th Trigger PV shown in between. Then he talked about バーベル~皇帝の新しい服ver.~ and the PV also shown. Next, it's time for Q and A. Afterward is comment about AWAYOKUBA-斬る with PV after he finished his talk. Lastly, short concert performance is shown and yea more talk from TKY.

Music Japan TV 「UVERworld SPECIAL」
Channel: MJTV
Date: 2012/08/17 - 2012/09/15
Time: Varied
Summary: メジャーデビュー7周年を迎えたUVERworld初のドキュメンタリー映画のロードショーが決定!今回番組では、メンバー全員でのコメントとこれまでのヒットナンバー、最新情報を交えてお送りします!

日本映画専門チャンネル (Nihon-Eiga)「シネホリ DEEP #26」
Channel: -
Date: 2012/08/25 (till 2012/09/01)
Time: Varies (10 minutes)
Summary: TAKUYA∞ talked about THE SONG.

Channel: MBS
Date: 2012/08/28
Time: 01:25~01.35 JST
Summary: no idea :P

ハッピーMUSIC (Happy Music)
omg the pants! pajama like lol
Channel: NTV
Date: 2012/08/31
Time: 24:58~25:53 JST
Summary: Live performance of THE OVER

ロック兄弟 (Rock Kyoudai)

Channel: TV Tokyo
Date: 2012/08/31
Time: 27:00~27:30 JST
Summary: TAKUYA∞ interview and some short concert performances and TAKUYA∞ special appearance in 大阪大谷大学.

Channel: TBS
Date: 2012/09/01
Time: 24:58 JST
Summary: Guest 1. Live performance of THE OVER. TAKUYA∞'s comment:
「CDTVをご覧の皆さま、こんばんは。 UVERworldです。 8月29日にNEWシングル『THE OVER』が発売になりました。 こちらの楽曲はですね、自分の16歳の頃の手帳を広げて、あの頃の気持ちと、今も尚、共感できる言葉と、あとこの先も握り締めていたい気持ちなんかを一曲に詰め込んだ、凄くメッセージ性の高い楽曲になっております」

Channel: Space Shower TV
Time: 19:00-20:00 JST
Summary: Pick Up Artist: UVERworld! They talked about their first documentary「THE SONG」, new single「THE OVER」and its PV, and lots more

今夜、音楽をつむぐ (Konya, Ongaku wo Tsumugu)
Channel: NHK BS Premium
Date: 2012/09/27
Time: 22:00~22:59 JST
Summary: Small talks + live performance of CORE PRIDE and THE OVER

ロック兄弟 (Rock Kyoudai)

Channel: TV Tokyo
Date: 2012/11/30
Time: 26:30~27:00 JST
Summary: Interviews with the members

Channel: Music-On! TV
Date: 2012/12/22
Time: 18:00-19:00 JST
Summary: Interviews.

Channel: Space Shower TV
Date 2012/12/22
Time: 21:00-21:30 JST
Summary: Interview.

Thursday, 2 August 2012

UVERworld 22nd single: 「THE OVER」

more updates about their new single.
previous post is HERE

THE OVER has just aired on radio, feel free to go to youtube and find it. yup, someone uploaded it already.

Anyway, covers for the single are out. As usual, the single comes in 2 versions, Limited Edition and Regular Edition. Release date is 29 August 2012 and it's ready for pre-order. As of myself, I won't order the single yet. I'll wait for their album and then only I'll order it. IF the LE is still around by that time. If not, well, screw me.

3. Massive

Release date: 29.08.2012
Bonus: DVD
・優しさの雫 [Live from Zepp DiverCity Tokyo 12.04.29] 
・バーベル~皇帝の新しい服ver.~[Music Video]
・THE SONG 告知トレーラー [Trailer]
・Special Spot 


Release date: 29.08.2012
Bonus: none

* it's not recommended to buy one single from HMV due to expensive shipping cost UNLESS you want to buy it with other album or DVD (they offer great discounts)
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