Monday, 20 May 2019

Just passing by...

The blog is deeaaaaad....

Since end of my study and starting work, I have no time and passion to update this blog.
I still follow UVERworld tho, they still make great music.
No longer following them like rabid fangirl lol no more stalking
Just getting update now and then, still in their fanclub.
Buying magazines (with them on cover only), CD and BR. Some goodies.
Wishing to go to their concert again next year if they have any during the period I'm in Japan.
Last concerts was back in 2011 (two days concert in Yoyogi) and 2017 (one day concert in Saitama, cannot go to the second day because male only!)

Anyway, just felt like updating :D

Will come back again, someday.

p/s: TAKUYA has instagram! but only for a period of time, till 21.12.2019. I hope he'll keep the account and won't delete it later!
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