Tuesday, 7 April 2009


ZOMG! I haven't post here for ages (ah , my AwakEVE review and rant about Catch Up UVERworld)
I'll do it I'll do it... when I have time, and mood *bricked*

I do have time but I spent it on some other stuffs... ah I rant about these other stuffs later on... after I finished my assignment... which is due tomorrow huhu

my beloved LJ... sorry for abandoned you and come here instead... I'll get back to you someday, to rant about more personal stuffs ahakz


  1. wow! i'm a fan of UVERworld too!
    have you listened tracks in awakEVE album?
    they're gorgeous-sugooooi~

  2. yea, I listened already... countless time! XD and my fav is corona!!!!!


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