Wednesday, 31 August 2011


UVERworld concerts in November and December, for those who is interested:

11月 8日(火) 大分iichiko総合文化センター グランシアタ(Oita)
11月13日(日) 岩手県民会館 (Iwate)
11月15日(火) Zepp Sapporo
11月18日(金) 長野ホクト文化ホール(Nagano)
11月21日(月) 結城市民文化センター(アクロス) (Yuki, Ibaraki)
11月28日(月) 周南市文化会館 (Shunan, Yamaguchi)
11月30日(水) 京都会館第一(Kyoto)
12月 2日(金) 長良川国際会議場 (Nagaragawa Convention Center, Gifu)
12月 5日(月) なら100年会館 (Nara Centennial Hall, Nara)
12月 7日(水) 神戸国際会館 (Kobe)
12月13日(火) 広島・福山リーデンローズ (Reed and Rose, Fukuyama, Hiroshima)
12月18日(日) 山形県民会館 (Yamagata)
12月25日(日) 日本武道館 (Nippon Budokan)

「COREstory,COREability,COREhistory」is the title of UVER's 『core ability+PP Book』. You can order it from HMV and CDJapan (here and here)

EDIT: YESASIA also have the book!

Friday, 19 August 2011

UVERworld Application for Android and iPhone/iPad

Application from SONY launched today. It's free by the way.
You can download it here: Sony Music Apps
*direct link for android

bear in mind thought, this application so far as I know didn't work for most overseas users I know.
For android users, there's possibility your phone won't let it be installed.
As for iPhone/iPod/iPad it can be tricky to download the apps. Try getting it from Japan iTunes store (I actually made an account for this haha). I managed to DL it but I haven't try is yet. Not sure if it works on iPhone not from Japan. tried installing it on my dad's iPhone with the help of my bro. it worked :D

However, this doesn't mean you shouldn't try your luck! who doesn't want the application, right? XD

If any of you manage to get it to work, please tell me so that I can update this post :D

Sunday, 14 August 2011

Japan Trip Summer 2011 ~Day 2~

Sorry for the lack of update. So here's Day 2!

Friday, 12 August 2011

I'm still too lazy to post another Trip entry... so...

here you go:

RADIO TALK: LAID BACK OCEAN vocalist YAFUMI's ALL NIGHT NIPPON. guest is no other than the one and only TAKUYA∞!

get it here!

*recorded by me. so please DON'T share/post this somewhere else. NO hotlinking too. you can link to this blog if you want.
** by "somewhere else" I mean another blog, youtube, nico-nico or similar website, hosting site (mediafire, megaupload, fileshare or similar sites)
*** if you actually bother to read then lucky you because here is the pw: all night nippon
**** lastly, enjoy!

Monday, 1 August 2011

oh yada yada

so where's Trip day 2?


got eaten by a panda?

truth is, it doesn't exist.... yet...

I'm just not in the mood LOL all the excitement typing up the Day 1 Trip went POOF the next day ORZ

maybe someday I'll continue. Right now I just want to try rereading all Harry Potter book. Started book one already. let see how long I'll take to finish them off...

btw, I want to reread Series of Unfortunate Event too. 13 books total (but not thick thick thick books like HP). Good story, at least for me. Try read them if you haven't. 8Db
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