Sunday, 29 April 2012

UVERworld 2012 Tour

Tour dates: HERE

ticket price is 6000 yen (last year was 5800 yen. is the price rising each yer? dem)

Official tour goods: HERE

Monday, 23 April 2012

Xmas DVD and 7th Trigger single.... MINE!!!

I got these long time ago actually but always forgot to post about it here *kicked*

anyway, here's mine!

I haven't get a chance to watch the DVD tho. I need a right time to fully enjoy the DVD. right now I'm just too busy and have no mood to watch it. I haven't watch 7th Trigger DVD too! will do so after test on Tuesday!

truth to be told, I actually didn't finish watching TD DVD too. I THINK SO. because I watched it using DVD player connected to TV, I can't watch the full concert in one go since other people also wanted to watch TV. after that I just can't find the mood to watch it again. orz. putting a DVD into DVD/CD drive is a bother to me, really.

anyway, UVERworld aside, I finally managed to caught up with latest chapter of Naruto. I stopped reading Naruto after OneManga went down. My bro kept telling me to read it and threaten to give me spoilers. I DLed the manga long time ago but still didn't read it. Only about yesterday or two days ago when I was bored I started to continue reading the manga. and it was awesome. the story still interesting as ever. I got confused abit tho since I forgot a lot of things esp the story around when Sai came. but who cares about those little things. what's matter is the current story HAHA

love the story about Gaara's real past (and holishit he freaking cried!). I'm happy he's all good with his father now. also, I'm starting to like the Nine Tailed Fox. he got a name! Kurama! hahaha he's pretty awesome and cute at the same time! him and Naruto fighting together is just pure awesome. oh ItachixSasuke too! omg I'm glad I stopped reading long time ago because I can read like 4 volume in one go haha but now. haih. have to wait one week after another. I think I'll wait till there's a good sum of chapters before I continue reading

Sunday, 8 April 2012

バーベル ~皇帝の新しい服ver.~ lyric : Kanji + romaji

バーベル ~皇帝の新しい服ver.~
BARBELL ~koutei no atarashii fuku ver,~

歌手 UVERworld

服飾人「皇帝 この布は 馬鹿の目にはうつらない

Fukushokunin koutei kono meno wa baka no me ni wa utsura nai
Tokushu na meno de shitateta ishou desu

王様「俺は かの有名な裸の王様 実は服職人の嘘を見抜いていた
本当の事は言わず 見えない服を誉め じゃあなんで

Ousama ore wa ka no yuumei na hadaka no ousama jitsu wa fukushokunin no uso o menui teita
Hontou no koto wa iwazu mie nai fuku wo homame jaa nande
Hadaka de PARADE ni data no katte?

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