Saturday, 20 July 2013

UVERworld 24th Single:「 Fight For Liberty / Wizard CLUB」 [14.08.2013]

This year, after THE SONG Documentary, UVERworld will finally make a new release, a double A-side single titled 「Fight For Liberty / Wizard CLUB」or shortformed as 「FFL/WC」.
Their 24th single will be released on 14.08.2013, less than a month from now!
Three editions will be sold which is Limited Edition (LE), Regular Edition (RE) and Limited Pressing Edition.

Fight For Liberty is used as second OP for 『宇宙戦艦ヤマト2199』(Space Battleship Yamato 2199) (episode 16-26). The anime aired on TBS/MBS starting on 7 April 2013. Episode 16 which will feature FFL for the first time will air on 21st July 2013. News HERE

Meanwhile, Wizard CLUB is used as ending theme of TV Tokyo's midnight program, 「解禁!暴露ナイト」. WC will be used from July-August and first aired on 4 July 2013 which feature live video from Saitama Super Arena.

Release details:

Limited Edition

Price: 1 529 Yen
Contains: [CD]
1. Fight For Liberty 
2. Wizard CLUB
Bonus: [DVD] Live performance from Man Only Live at ZEPP Divercity (28.02.2013)
1.「Don't Think.Feel」Multiangle (Member Angle, TAKUYA∞ Angle, NOBUTO&SHINTARO Angle, KATSUYA&AKIRA Angle) 
2. 「23ワード」 
Buy from: Amazon | CDJapan | HMV | SMS | Yesasia

Regular Edition

Price: 1 223 Yen
Contains: [CD]
1. Fight For Liberty 
2. Wizard CLUB
Bonus: None
Buy from: Amazon | CDJapan | HMV | SMS | Yesasia

Limited Pressing Edition
Limited till 30 September 2013 or while stock last

Price: 1 300 Yen
Contains: [CD]
1. Fight For Liberty 
2. Wizard CLUB
4. Fight For Liberty (TV Size)
Bonus: Anime illustration cover
Buy from: Amazon | CDJapan | HMV | SMS | Yesasia

Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Hey! It's July!

this post is made because my last entry is back in May.
yup, I'm still alive.
Just gotten really lazy. and busy. okay, not sooooo busy.
anyway, I WENT TO KJK SHOWCASE AND IT'S FREAKING AWESOME. NO REGRET FOR BUYING VVIP SEAT (3rd row, middle) AND PHOTOGRAPH SESSION PASS. I FREAKING SHOOK HIS HAND AND OMG I ALMOST MELTED BY HIS SMILE. Didn't buy autograph pass tho eventhough they sold extra pass. no money. only have enough to buy ticket bus.
HOWEVER, heavy damage done and am still not recover fully. WALLET CRYING.
And then there's Runningman Fanmeeting in Sept and I booked the cheapest ticket. It's freaking free seating boohooo but I can only afford that *cries*

anyway, UW gonna release their 24th single in 14 August 2013. Double A-side. One song, Wizard Club, is for idk-what-program's theme while the other one, Fight For Liberty is for OP of anime, Spacebattleship Yamato.
I will do proper update of their release and activities soon.

Soon means after exam in Thur and Fri, and when I'm not lazy.

My laptop's charger is faulty so I can only depends on my friend's charger.

anyway, that's all.

oh btw, if you want to order the single from CDJ, please CLICK HERE
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