Wednesday, 10 March 2010

GOLD on FM 802

full song of GOLD was aired a while ago at FM802

luckily, the radio is in the list in Keyhole TV so I get to hear it XDDDD *excited excited*

but (why must there be a but D:) my internet was and is being PIA... there's no sound once in a while for about 5 sec and it's driving me mad! I recorded the song but it's in very bad quality... hopefully someone else will post the song tomorrow... hopefully...

and about the song... I don't know... it sounds weird... sounds so new... sounds so SEXY! LOL need to listen to the song more... argh PV! when will it be aired??? anyway, GOLD sounds promising and addicting! can't wait for the single to be out!


# btw, I haven't get to listen to the song that TAKUYA collaborate with uzumaki... seems like it's hard for me to fins anything by uzumaki @_@


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