a few miliseconds later
I quickly went outside of the bathroom and saw people upstairs coming down, and a couple of my friends went out of their rooms... I hurried back to my room, get dressed, snatch my phone (and thinking whether I should grab my laptop, purse and UVERcds or not orz) and went downstair with my other friends... we went outside and sat at the road side... it's still dark that the stars and moon clearly seen in the clear sky... not long after that, BLACK OUT O_O
scary D:
I'm not sure how long we waited, maybe just before 6am, we went back into our hostel...
glad that everyone is save and sound :D thank God...
I'm sure I don't want to experience this kind of thing anymore... very very scary D:
oricon weekly ranking is out!
UVER's GOLD in #2 with 50 004 copies sold
EDIT: just an update for daily ranking:
day | rank | copies sold
1*---- 2 ------19106
2 -----2 ------13510
3 -----2 -------6804
4 -----2 -------3858
5 -----3 -------2886
6----- 4 -------????
7----- 5 -------????
8----- 10 ------????
EDIT2: dun wan to make new post ahakz
UVER @ Wednesday J-pop... I hope someone will upload this in Jpopsuki... I want to watch it DDD:

Alhamdulillah u r OK! scary & once in a blue moon experience.. hope it won't happen again until u're back in Malaysia.
ReplyDeletestill... u r too obsessed with UVERworld... orz
hahaha tgh album nak kuar, mesti la tgh jd gila skrg ni XDDD
ReplyDeletexnak earthquake lg D: takot