Thursday, 1 January 2009


HAPPY NEW YEAR 2009~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm very lazy right now but since today is the first day of the year 2009, I guess I just push myself to post here, even though I really really have no idea what to write... well, I can only rant about UVER... and movies...

okay, movie first... for this past few weeks I had watched a lot of movies, more than I usually do... well, blame it to the situation where I stucked in my little windowless room in medan... since the ciplak DVDs there are pretty cheap, around RM3+ each, I decided to buy a few, and borrowed a lot from my friends... okay, I'll just list down some(not in order) that I remember and a bit of comments...

- Corpse Bride
- Devil Wears Prada (nice one)
- a korean movie I forgot the title, and it's pretty boring cuz I don't understand the storyline
- Charlie and Me (meeeeeeeeh pretty boring)
- Saw V (makes me wanna watch the other Saw movies)
- The Stranger (dub dab dub dab)
- Dard Divorce (this is one cruel and violence film I ever watch... well, I didn't really watch it cuz I skipped a lot... too eeewwww)
- The Orphanage (the ending is O_O...)
- 2LDK (a Japanese movie...)
- Kids (another Japanese movie starring Tamaki Hiroshi and Teppei)
- Journey to the Centre of the Earth (nice (^_^)b)
- another korean movie I forgot the name... about a police investigating crimes whereby children were kidnapped and killed in the same way...
- The Diary of the Death (the title is somewhat like that laaa... I hate zombies)

tha's all that I can remember... and when I got back home... I watch some more:
- 28 days later
- Matrix trilogy (wow... great movies... really different from what I thought they were suppose to be...)
- Suicide Circle
- The Game Plan
- Flight of the Living Death (like I said before, I hate zombies)
- Indiana Jones (two movies... adventurous+humour... kinda worth watching... even my little bro(not so little oredi la) likes it... "If you are a Scottish lord, then I am Mickey Mouse!"-one of the Nazis LOL)

well, there are more movies waiting to be watched... I don't know if I want to watch all or save some to watch when I go back to Medan huhu

okay enough about movie... now is UVERtime!!!
so, their 4th album will be released on 18 Feb 2009 and probably poster will be included (YAY!!!!) anyway, the title, cover and tracklist are yet to be announce... man, I can't wait for those.... and more importantly, new PV... argh I guess I'll be back in free-internetless Medan when they release the PV *sobs sobs*

oh wait... I think I have something else to say but suddenly my mind went blank... argh I'll stop for now laaa... malas nak pikir lg huhuhuhuhuhuhuhu

ps: I <3 the way takuya said "I don't wanna miss a thing(aerosmith's song)" in one of their radio sessions, core kawaiiiiii

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